Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quotes again

My prof had some quality lines today, but I can only remember one at the moment.

"Today's debate was predominated by the word 'suck'. It's one word that I object. I mean think about it. It's one of the first thing you do in your life. Sucking breast milk. What's better than that?"
- J. Ferguson (Paraphrased)

Time flies in your class.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ung ah

I'm so glad I have art to channel my wrath.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

End of blogs?

So I just skimmed through all the blogs on my friend list there and I notice most people don't update anymore. I wonder if that's just within my circle of friends or if people really are bored of blogs and that this fad is beginning to pass. But all I know is no one's gonna read this entry until at least days after this has been posted.

Just a nightly musing. Nothing too exciting to report. Well, for those who know what I've been working on, ask me to show it to you. It's finally done.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


As most of you know (but only one of you would read this I'm guessing), it's supposed to be my last year at the uni I attend. So tonight I just pored through every degree requirement to make sure I had it all.

I didn't. And apparently I overlooked quite a few.

So for about an hour I rearranged my entire schedule for this year with fervent and desperate prayers thrown in for good measure. Finally I took a deep breath and decided all was good. I didn't plan on taking the next day off to rest, however.

Then I realized I misread a tiny detail. I wasn't exactly going for the degree that I was reading up on. Ho crap. And the deal is that once a course is dropped, there's no guarantee that I can pick it up again.

Fortunately the degree I was reading up on had more requirements than what I actually needed for my real degree. So I could afford to keep the ones I had already. Better yet, I dropped a harder course and opted for an online seminar that was half the amount of credits. I didn't need the extra.

Now I'm tired enough to rest a day.