Sunday, August 27, 2006

Gorilla unit

Today at church we had a fundraiser for those going to Urbana this winter. One of the games we had was a free throw shootout. Three warm-up shots, then shoot until you miss after your first score, so you can keep missing shots until you sink your first shot after warm-ups. The person with the longest scoring streak gets a huge white stufffed gorilla. I sunk 25 shots to win it. I left it at church though.

I also bought this old computer game, Revenant, for 37 cents. I feel bad for paying so little for it, but I really had no cash on me. Sorry fundraisers. I was told the game would be thrown out anyway...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Didn't make the deadline

Here's a little something I wanted to talk about on the next issue of Cornerstone, but I never got around to do it. I figured I didn't have too much to talk about anyway, so I'll just post it here. By that I mean I'm gonna write it now from scratch. Let's hope I make sense.

Oh...already I've forgotten my point...

Wait, it'll come to me...

Oh right here it is...

Some non-believers ask why science cannot prove the existence of God. I may have a solution to this question.

First, I shall begin with this question: Do we know all there is to know? Can the combined intellects and knowledge of our entire species hold the answer to every single question?

Realistically, I think we don't know everything that can be known. I think every humble person will agree with me on this point, that humans have limited knowledge and intellects.

God, assuming He exists and is whom Christians believe He is, is perfect in every aspect, and perfection is a concept humans cannot fully understand, for nothing in this world can be described as perfect. If our entire species is colour blind, likewise we will never understand the concept of colours for we have never encountered it. Everything has flaws, whether they are minor or major. Now then, can a human's limited mind be capable of understanding God through science?

If humans, through methods we create on our own, are able to understand God, He would not be much of a God in my opinion. If God, a being of endless power can be contained by limited capacity of a human mind, He would not be infinite as God should be.

I am not degrading science. Science is a gift of God. If this is not the case, we will never grasp the slightest idea of Him. It is by His power that we can understand what we can about Him.

I do not believe it is His will to confuse us by not fully explaining Himself to us; we cannot fully understand with our limited minds. As long as humans are created with imperfect minds, we will never fully grasp the greatness and power of God.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Lost for the second time today by a mere point. I'm not disappointed, although if I ran faster we would've been ahead by 1 instead. All in the past now.

After the post-game handshake with the other team, I found blood on my palm. Not my own blood. Hmm...

Saturday, August 05, 2006


I think I got my G1 license yesterday noon. Yes, I'm pretty sure I did. As did Li and Bobs.