Thursday, December 22, 2005


I like sleeping. I've been waking up with crazy ideas for my Lil' Masta series on dA.


Random dialogues I remember from my past. Starting with the most recent:

Dec 21, 2005. Around 8-9 pm.

Co-worker: (Laughing hysterically but managed to keep it somewhat quiet)
Me: What happened?
Co-worker: Haha...This (expletive deleted) lady just sneezed on me. So (expletive deleted) gross!
Me: Hahaha! (Thinking, "why are YOU laughing?")

Second incident, around grade 8.

White mother: Jerry, can I adopt you?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

It seems appropriate

For an update. I visited a few blogs, and it looks like everyone had something to say about today. Or at least they had an update today. So I shall let you nonexistent readers know what's been up with my life (I'm not saying you readers are not important. I just don't think anyone reads my blog, that's all).

Yesterday I had work. My fish body count is now 11. I killed 7 in one day. I cleaned up half the tank in one day. Blood and bloody ashes. Lobsters had to be killed, but I wasn't there for the slaughter. It was either steam them and freeze them, or let them die a horrible death trapped in a tank with a busted filter. That might've been classified info, so don't tell anyone I said that. Other than that, not much else is going on at work. People there are pretty cool.

Missed Herman's farewell party because of work. We're understaffed. Can't do much about it. Not very pleasant.

Need to finish an assignment before Tuesday.

Need to finish book 11 of Wheel of Time: Knife of Dreams by Thursday. I only have it for 7 days. Frig.

It was fun banging people on Friday night. I wanna bang again. Joy.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Comic Time

Where would we be without friends?

These are too good! More!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

System Crash Again

Last night, I was writing about how terrible my day was when my computer died yet again. Sorry to bother you again Derek. I wrote like two pages worth of blog, and they are all gone. I'll rewrite it when I recover emotionally. I'll show what I have so far. Check previous entry.