Wednesday, September 10, 2008


As most of you know (but only one of you would read this I'm guessing), it's supposed to be my last year at the uni I attend. So tonight I just pored through every degree requirement to make sure I had it all.

I didn't. And apparently I overlooked quite a few.

So for about an hour I rearranged my entire schedule for this year with fervent and desperate prayers thrown in for good measure. Finally I took a deep breath and decided all was good. I didn't plan on taking the next day off to rest, however.

Then I realized I misread a tiny detail. I wasn't exactly going for the degree that I was reading up on. Ho crap. And the deal is that once a course is dropped, there's no guarantee that I can pick it up again.

Fortunately the degree I was reading up on had more requirements than what I actually needed for my real degree. So I could afford to keep the ones I had already. Better yet, I dropped a harder course and opted for an online seminar that was half the amount of credits. I didn't need the extra.

Now I'm tired enough to rest a day.


Blogger Chislon said...

except for a random like me

nice that it's your last year finally tho... congratz

10:06 PM  
Blogger J-FK said...

Still sorting out grad stuff actually. Hope it works out heh. But thanks!

7:32 PM  
Blogger rinabear said...

for someone who could draw a very detailed comic, i'm surprise you overlooked so much =p

9:12 AM  

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