Monday, February 28, 2005


So, in my Professional Writing course, we're covering poetry. To me, the art of poetry is so subjective that there's no guideline to distinguish wether it's good or bad.

I was given 5 random words to compose a poem with. Perfect. Tomorrow. Chairs. Publicity. Versatile. I could use these in any forms, and here's what I came up with:

Politicians, actors
Shining from disasters
Excessive publicity
Bias in ethnicity
Segregation, genocides
Allegations, scandals, lies
Injections, electric chairs
Suspect torture, no one cares
Nothing's left that's ethical
Bio nano technical
Messing with fertility
Cloning, abortions
Global misfortunes
Political upheaval
Axis of evil
Tainted magistrates
The United States
Frustration and sorrow
The perfect tomorrow

Feel free to drop a comment or snap your fingers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Like everyone else, I have have weaknesses which I constantly struggle with. The two main ones are focus and memory. I have very short term memory, and that I don't think I can do much to change it. However, my lack of concentration should be alterable. Problem is, I don't know how to stay focused, and it's really becoming a problem for me as I enter the final quarter of my first year at university. Assignments and readings are piling up gradually, and I just can't seem to get myself to work. It's frustrating. I'm not sure how to change.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Reading week, come back...

So, whole week gone without doing anything productive. Slept til noon for most days, stayed home trying to write an article for Cornerstone, not much else. Could use some help on the article actually. If you got more than decent Bible knowledge, let me know. Yup, that's about it.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Back from retreat, tired and dirty. Arrived back at church around 3:45. It was a great experience for me, a true eye opener. It made me really think about my life, and who I really am, where I belonged.
The focus was on the goals and necessities of fellowship, and us Salt members drew closer to God and each other throughout the 2 days we had together. It's a great feeling to talk to someone you care about concerning what truly matters, instead of just gossiping or making small talk that amount to nothing in the end. The only way to build a relationship is to shed the barriers we have and expose our true selves. A true friend cares about you no matter what. No scar is too hideous and no shame is too great that you are unworthy of love.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hectic Week

One down, two to go. Possibly hardest one coming up tomorrow.
Went to do exam at 8:30 or so, left in an hour, went home, slept for two hours, ate, here I am now.

More on today.