Saturday, December 08, 2007

Day #?

I haven't had time to keep revealing my daily secrets, so I'll end my series here.

Christmas dinner with staplers tonight. Should be fun. Looking forward to it. Joy. I hope the company's paying for dinner. I don't really know the details.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Day 52

Long 9 hours + at work. Only noteworthy thing is that there was a power outage today, as most North Yorkers experienced in the mid afternoon. Booted non-Staplers out and just chilled. Some guy took advantage of the lack of customers in the store and started shouting obscenities randomly. He must be repressed.

Looking forward to Christmas dinner on Saturday. Should be fun.

Dinner tonight: Apple, canned oysters, crunchy slice of bread. Not bad.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Day 51

Had my last day of school this semester. Finished my final exam in 20 minutes, and it was quite the joke. It was online, and we could redo it as many times as we could after seeing the results of each attempt. It didn't tell us the right answers though, only whether the answers were correct or not. The students swapped answers freely; not online or anything, but orally because the prof left the room so often, doing who knows what.

I redid my test about 4 times because I kept getting an incorrect answer for one of the questions. i finally checked randomly and gave up. I was later told by a classmate, who was informed by the prof himself, that we got the right answers in at least one of our attempts, which means for some reason the computer failed to recognize the correct responses. It's most likely the prof's fault, because it was the only question that no one got right. But my final answer wasn't the correct one, so I probably got 11/12 on it. Whatever, I'm getting high 90s for that course anyway.

Mailed a lotta stuff afterwards, spent quite a heft amount at the postal office. After that, drew some stuff, which turned out nicely. May or may not upload when I'm done. Had real home-cooked dinner at night. Gonna draw some more now.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Day 50

Bad weather today, so I didn't go to church. I regret it. Being at home the whole day isn't fun. But it's not much fun in the cold either...

Finally had time to cook for myself again. Made toast and Kraft dinner. They don't count? Fine, just French toast then. I liked it. Only decent thing I can make.

Studied, wrapped some books for my brother, and that's about it. Gotta sleep earlier tonight. Exam tomorrow and then I'm over and done with the semester like my overdone steaks.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Day 49

Went down to Eaton's with Andrew today. Pretty exhausted now. Napped on the subway but that didn't help.

Finished reading Deathly Hallows. Somebody used a naughty word. Muggle-style cursing in a magical book! Uh, tome! Shame on you, Ms. Rowling. But thanks for the inspirations.