Monday, April 30, 2007

Quotes part whatever +2

So past Sunday for PDL sermon we had a human pyramid on stage, and one person at the bottom left and the pyramid crumbled. This illustrated that as a body of Christ, we need one another, and then if one part breaks off, others suffer as well. Gummi was the one who broke off from the pyramid to hit on a "girl." The pyramid was my idea, but why the person broke off was changed. The following is a conversation about the presentation (paraphrased of course).

Me: Initially when I suggested the human pyramid, I wanted one guy to break off because he had to pee.

J: Oh, so like champagne glasses? Will at the top pees and it trickles down? Should've done that instead! That would've been gold on so many levels!

Me: Yes it would've been gold! And on so many levels!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Not too unlucky

So I did my first exam of the semester a few hours ago. Started really going over notes at like 4:30 with a friend. I probably got like 70s on it, which is decent. I'd say higher than 70s if English was objective, and since it's not, I'll just say 70s. My essays have been 70s, so why not 70s on the exam as well.

As I left the lecture hall after I finished my exam, my prof personally came out and wished me luck on my writing. What a great guy. If I had credits to spare I would definitely take another course with him. And I just might, actually.