Sunday, January 30, 2005


For those who go to Richmond Hill Chinese Baptist Church and love to write, this entry is for you.

The first issue of RHCBC's newspaper, Cornerstone, for the English speaking congregation will be coming out this year. If you're interested in writing an article for the paper, please let me know and I will hook you up with details. Leave me a message, and I will get back to you asap. Thanks.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Snow day 2005

I got bored, so i did this.
And when you're done with that, click here.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Note to self, and perhaps others

So it's 1:53 in the morning now, and I'm sitting in my room thinking. Am I a nice guy? Am I a caring person who's there for those who need me? Others may not think so. Of course, I'm not too concerned with other people's opinions of me, but I do worry that I'm not making a sufficient effort to help. I try to make time to help those who ask for it, but that isn't enough. Making myself available for people is important, but I should also step forth and offer assistance. I should be more active than passive.

And to those who needs anything, feel free to leave me a comment and I'll get right to you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

When will they learn?

Stupid Americans. Not every single American, but those who opposed the truthful stickers on science textbooks. If you think it's wrong to teach religion in school, maybe you should take a look at the theories of evolution first. The theories point to a Creator who gave life to the organisms on our planet. Teaching the theories of evolution contradicts your argument. If God is to be included in a lesson, make sure it's factual and not some ancient concepts lacking in scientific evidence to support the ideas.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Doing my part

Today has been productive. Even if I didn't succeed, hopefully my efforst were not completely wasted. Instead of spending time playing computer games when I'm bored, I took advantage of the an online game to spread the word of God. As I've done before, the feedback I got from other players was negative, but I didn't give up. They brought up points such as evolution and... that was their only "valid" point. Not exactly valid at all, since I study evolution at York this year and I know what it's really about.

Yes, evolution theories contradict the teachings of origin found in the Bible, but we must also take into account that these concepts cannot exist without God either. Evolutionists believe that creatures we see in the world today evolved from other creatures over time, since the beginning. However, the natural laws that promote evolution are initially created by God, and that God also created the first beings ever to roam the planet. They argued that although God is the origin of all living organisms, He does not consciously shape these beings as time pass. But I think it's basically the same thing, since He breathed new life in the beginning and made the rules that would shape the creatures according to these theories. With beliefs so closely linked to the idea of a greater being giving life to this world, they shouldn't bother coming up with such theories. That's my opinion.
So, the discussion didn't go too smoothly for me, since I was outnumbered about 1:5 in this game room, but I knew God would help me answer them. Unfortunately, the game ended and the participants left. I had no choice.

It wasn't over though. I had met a guy playing that game months before, and we've been messaging each other online. He told me his name was Christian, so I smoothly changed the topic to, surprise, Christianity. Told me he was "technically a Christian" because he's been going to church his entire life, but I didn't correct him at that point, since that comment might turn him away instead. He said he didn't think it was possible for Noah to build such a huge ark, so I told him of a documentary I saw on TV a long time ago showing evidence of a possible "docking" of the ark on a mountain. Then I told him what led me to believe and the sources I used to learn more about God. Thinking he might not be convinced simply by hearing me list my sources, I told him how God had helped me in my life. He wasn't completely against what I had to say, so hopefully God's words through me will open up his heart, and encourage him to reconsider.

Fellow Christians, time is short. We never know when the end will come. If we don't get out there and round up the lost sheep, no one else will. We must act quickly.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

An update

Some of you have been coming to my site and leaving disappointed because you expected an update. Well here it is. I'm not dead. Don't worry.

Unlike those lazy bums from Queen's, I had the first week of school post winter holidays already. Monday-Wednesday of school, Thursday-Sunday of chilling. I have a lot of time to catch up on work with this relaxing schedule, although it can't beat Joyce's one-day-a-week semester. Got the time to study, but I haven't done much.

Truth is, life has been a bit disappointing. After the weeks of chilling with friends and family, school life is painfully dull in comparison. Waking up before 11 is such a struggle for me, and the dreadful ringtones of my celly alarm clock haunt me again. I'm sick of it all. Can't wait til summer.
