Monday, May 19, 2008

A Flawless Proposal

In an age when technology and the self are praised more than God, when the Roman Catholics’ objection towards atheistic media is ridiculed, any sound minded individual would love to silence today’s religious fanatics by disproving God, or better yet, killing God. While I lack the evidence to disprove the existence of God, I have the foolproof way to kill God.

“No man is an island.” Every rational entity is shaped by the people, things, and circumstances around him, her, or it. I argue that every rational entity is identified solely by the people, things, and circumstances around him, her, or it. People are identified by their careers, social ranks, relationships, etc. A businessman is nonexistent without clients; a mother is nonexistent without family members. Even characteristics are subjective and relative, and are dependent on external sources. A man is short-tempered only if his temper deviates from what is socially accepted as fair-tempered. Cut him off from society and he will become the social standard of his own limited world. Same is true with God. God is nonexistent if no one worships Him as God. Separate God from His worshippers and God will no longer be God, essentially destroying His identity and killing Him.

While in theory this is a simple plan, in practice it gets more complicated. Mainly there are two approaches: separate God from the people, or separate the people from God. As I have said earlier, I lack the evidence to prove or disprove the existence of God, so getting a hold of God and removing Him from His followers would be impossible. That leaves the second option, which is somewhat more manageable. Faithful believers are not easily swayed, so separating them from God mentally is out of the question. Therefore the best way to kill God is to kill His followers.

And we are faced with yet another problem. How does one identify God’s followers? There are do-gooders who act like those religious fanatics, and there are God followers who blend in nicely into the rest of the normal society. As witch hunts in the past have demonstrated, forcing people to confess or renounce their faiths is futile as people will confess or swear to anything to escape torture. Such heartless claims are often untruthful; this method is useless for this cause. But even if one is able to identify and eliminate every God follower in the world, there is still a possibility that new followers will arise to take their places. As noted in history, Saul the God hater and religious fanatic exterminator became a devout God follower himself.

So what can a rational scientific individual do to stop this outbreak of faith? If every human being is a potential victim, the only way to kill God for certain would be to eliminate every one of these potentials. This is mathematically proven to be irrefutable truth. But then how can any individual, or individuals, hope to wipe out the planet’s human population? It is a virtually impossible task; even major natural disasters fail to reduce populations to nothing. But there is a solution. While it is basically impossible for anyone to end every life on earth, it is impossible for everyone to fail at ending one life each: his or her own.

Yes, by carrying out this plan, many will not see the fruits of their labour in their lifetimes, but every life counts, as every individual is a potential God follower. Those who know the real truth, who know what is right, must take the first step and be examples for those who are weak-minded. We must set this plan in action now. There is no time for fence sitting; a new world of freedom from religious slavery and genuine truth awaits. Take control of your life. The time to kill God is now, one life at a time. Will you stand and step up for what is right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope this is a joke... because your insane if this isn't.

8:15 AM  
Blogger J-FK said...

Who are you?

11:21 AM  

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