Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I'm playing this "game" on an online game with some guy. It all started when he said "roflmbo" and I then said "roflmbool." He asked if I meant "out loud?" and I said something else that started with the letters O and L. Then we began saying a list of things that started with O and L. Here's a snippet of the conversation (I'm Sengir_Grandmamama)...

12:35 Sengir_Grandmamama: hey 5kippy, let's do more OLs
12:35 Sengir_Grandmamama: ha!
12:36 Sengir_Grandmamama: oral lashing!
12:38 5kippy: old ladies
12:39 5kippy: orphan linguists
12:39 Sengir_Grandmamama: osmosis lag
12:40 5kippy: oracle lounge-lizzards
12:40 Sengir_Grandmamama: optical leakage
12:40 5kippy: obstinat lunchbreaks
12:41 Sengir_Grandmamama: obsidian lungs
12:41 5kippy: off lost
12:41 Sengir_Grandmamama: online lectures
12:41 5kippy: oh lephants
12:42 Sengir_Grandmamama: ooze lube
12:42 5kippy: obstical! lava!
12:43 Sengir_Grandmamama: odourous lunchbags
12:43 5kippy: omnipitant lergoiffs
12:44 Sengir_Grandmamama: oedipal lust
12:44 5kippy: eeww
12:44 Sengir_Grandmamama: ;)
12:44 5kippy: outstanding laundry
12:45 Sengir_Grandmamama: ornithoptor larvae
12:45 Sengir_Grandmamama: what the heck is outstanding laundry!?
12:46 5kippy: either laundry that stands above the rest ot what you might call a large pile of laundry
12:46 5kippy: and I didn't know ornathopters breed
12:46 Sengir_Grandmamama: heh hhe heh gotcha
12:46 Sengir_Grandmamama: onion laurel
12:47 5kippy: oragami landlady
12:47 5kippy: who throws handels
12:47 Sengir_Grandmamama: orgasmic lurches
12:47 5kippy: wow
12:48 5kippy: omnichromatic lycanthope
12:49 Sengir_Grandmamama: oathbound lovers
12:50 5kippy: opulant looser
12:51 Sengir_Grandmamama: oppressive lawnmower
12:51 5kippy: lol
12:51 Sengir_Grandmamama: :D
12:51 5kippy: orange limabean
12:54 Sengir_Grandmamama: oscar loser

And that's what I have so far. Perhaps it'll go on for another hour...

Yea, I'm slightly bored.


Blogger J-FK said...


Other words from that night (some given by others in the room):

Obese lesbians
Oompa loompa
Oval lord

11:06 AM  

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