Monday, May 02, 2005

I'm starting to dislike the Toronto Star. Mainly because of the writer and supposed theologian Tom Harpur. Every week, I would see his article in the Star, and every single time he would try to disprove Christianity without any solid support. This last one talked about the "religion" of Christianity and its lack of creator who started it all. He said stupid things like "Who created Christianity? There is no known human founder behind this belief."

Jesus, perhaps?

This old fool Harpur said that Christians should not take the Bible literally, and should be like the other religious groups, who take their scriptures metaphorically. Without directly calling Christians stupid because we truly believe in the existence in Christ, he did so subtly. He tried to back up his point by saying that literary experts are able to strip away the Bible's supposed metaphorical imageries and such, to find the Bible not very coherent. Or something along those lines. Harpur does not explain these "experts'" ideas, but merely states that their conclusion is fact.

He's right in that Christianity is different from all the other religions that do not take their own scriptures literally. Because Christians know what's true. If other religious groups do not actually believe in their own scriptures, then in my opinion they believe in what they believe just to make life seem more pleasant. But believing in what you yourself perceive as lies can only get you so far.

If Harpur does not believe in Jesus, then there really is no known human who started Christianity. Unlike the world's religions, we Christians do not worship something we ourselves created. And why would we? Is the producer not more powerful than his/her/its product?

I'll be following old man Harpur's work from now on. Stay tuned for more critiques of his work and ideas.


Blogger sammi said...


4:11 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

good blog!!

4:48 PM  

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