Wednesday, October 13, 2004

One down, more to go

Stupid blogger screwed up my original entry for today. I ain't mad though. I'll calm down, give me a few seconds.

Ok. As I was saying before it got wiped out, today's been a tough day. The whole week, really, has been tough. I finished my first, true university assignment. A benchmark exercise and a restaurant review. The entire assignment is worth 15% of my mark for the course, and that's not all. I just installed Microsoft Office on my laptop on Tuesday. A big thank you to Roz, for if it wasn't for her, I would have to type it out on my virus/spyware infected computer, and that piece of junk is so slow, it would've taken 10 minutes to start up. No printer plugged into either one of these two computers, and the laptop doesn't have a floppy drive. My desktop comp has terrible internet connection. There was no way I could transfer information from one to another. The only printer in the house is in Jalen's room, and it spits out expensive ink. Around $70/cartridge. The assignment's due on Thursday (tomorrow) and I have nearly have of the assignment completed. Ohhh shoot. Pressure's on. Full blast.
From 10 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon, I read and reread notes and tried to get past the writer's block in my mind. Thanks to the gracious God, He pulled me through just in time. Under such circumstances, I had no choice but to use the printer in the house to produce pages of expensive text. The content, of course, probably decreased the value of each page. I was never a fan of non-fiction writing, or at least writing under guidelines. After printing out what I wrote, Jalen, my aunt and I went to the North York Public Library to print out our sources and photocopy our entire assignments. We each had about 20 pages at the end. We were also fortunate enough to find the film we were required to watch for English...last week. Yes, we're behind in that, but we can still make up for it now.
So that was that. First real assignment finished. What a relief. But I know it will be short-lived. Got a psych exam next Tuesday and I still have 3 chapters of text to go. Over 100 pages I'm sure. And more fun the following week. Evo exam. Joy.
I'm tired of writing. A whole day on the keyboard. I need a break.


Blogger Chislon said...

hey this is chiz...

you should really try to send from your email program its easier :P

I use Outlook Express and like u can save drafts so easily and keep everything

and ya I found my way here via angie's blog

10:51 PM  
Blogger sammi said...

im bored. >.< i demand an update when you take a break. actually no. keep working. don't come online.

8:28 PM  
Blogger J-FK said...

Sorry Sam, too late :P

9:03 PM  

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